Please read these statements carefully and if you have any concerns or questions, contact: for further information.

  • I confirm that I am over 18 years of age.
  • I agree for my saliva/swab sample to be used for the purpose of DNA extraction and genetic analysis.
  • I agree for Optimyse Nutrition to collect information about my diet, lifestyle, and health to provide nutrition advice.
  • I acknowledge that by submitting my sample within 14 days of receiving the Order Confirmation, I will be waiving my statutory right to cancel the order within the statutory 14-day cancellation period and that if I do then cancel, that I may be liable for any costs already incurred.
  • I understand Optimyse Nutrition LTD are not a medical care provider and the advice provided as part of the Services is intended to be informational or educational. Any report provided as part of the Services is not a substitute for, or an alternative to, any other medical or therapeutic services or treatments that are available or for any medication prescribed to me. Unless otherwise stated within the said report, the report is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any illness or disease or provide information on disease risk. Genetic testing and any other science used to input into a report, and the associated results, are always improving and changing as technology and understanding develops. Accordingly, the recommendations of a report provided to me as part of the Services may not remain current.
  • I understand that in some cases, genetic information I receive may not be positive.
  • I understand that genes provide only a part of the insight into my health. While my likelihood of having a specific condition may be increased if I have a specific genetic variant, it does not mean I will develop this condition. Nutrigenetic testing is not diagnostic and conclusive in its nature. Genes interact with the environment which also plays an important role in my health.
  • I understand that if I have any concerns about the above, I can contact Optimyse Nutrition LTD or my health care professional.

Please read how we handle your data in our privacy policy (