DNA test and nutrition package

DNA test and nutrition package

Introducing Nutrition and Health DNA Test package, with an extra consultation!

Introducing Nutrition and Health DNA Test package, now with an extra consultation!

It includes Nutrition and Health DNA test plus two nutrition consultations. By offering an additional consultation, we are ensuring you stay on track to achieving your goals.

Simply collect your saliva sample at home and send it off to the lab for in-depth analysis. The result is a comprehensive DNA report revealing 25 key insights into your nutrition and overall health.

Dr. Leta Pilic will assess your health, lifestyle, and diet, providing guidance tailored specifically to you. In an hour-long online consultation, together, we’ll set 2-3 SMART goals, designed to help you achieve lasting changes in your wellbeing.


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We’re committed to your ongoing success and wellbeing. That’s why, during your second consultation, we’ll take a dive into your progress, ensuring you stay on track towards your health goals. Together, we’ll celebrate your achievements, address any challenges, and fine-tune your personalised plan.

To make your journey more seamless, we offer a mobile app that enables you to track your progress towards your goals. Stay motivated, stay accountable, and witness the positive impact on your health.

Get your DNA test and nutrition package today.


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The DNA report includes 21 areas:

Your unique:

  • weight loss response to protein, saturated fat and physical activity
  • motivation to workout
  • meal timing
  • preference for sweet, bitter and salty foods
  • caffeine sensitivity
  • sensitivity of blood pressure to salt
  • blood glucose control
  • lactose tolerance
  • gluten sensitivity

And your needs for:

  • omega-3
  • vitamin A
  • folate
  • vitamin B12
  • vitamin D
  • iron
  • choline


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